At the Aug. 14 Sardinia Village Council meeting, council received reports regarding improvements to the rail crossings in the village, demolition of the creamery building (which has fallen into disrepair and is being taken down with a state grant procured by the Brown County Commissioners), and the increase in drug and weapons arrests through recent police initiatives.
The council toured the village complex and the ongoing work to renovate the upstairs into a workforce development site, resurfacing of the parking lot, improvements to the front and handicap accessible rear entrances, landscaping and the installation of an electronic sign board. These improvements have been paid through a 100-percent grant secured through The GRIT Project. Once completed local residents will have the ability to utilize the space for work from home, small business incubation, community meetings and online higher education coursework with comfortable professional space and reliable high speed internet access.
Council received the resignation of police chief Dan Pangallo, who stepped down to take a position with another department. After a brief executive session, council returned to public session and voted to name Brian Perry as the village’s new police chief.
Perry has been instrumental in recent drug and weapons arrests in the village and received a unanimous vote and warm welcome to the position.
Also during the Aug. 14 meeting, mayor James Schroeder stepped down as mayor and will not be running in the November election, as he is moving within Brown County but not within the village limits and will be ineligible to continue in this position. He has served on Council and as the mayor for the past year.
Schroeder intends to remain involved in the community as the pastor of Sardinia Hope Church, formerly Sardinia Methodist Church and through his Sardinia law practice. Longtime Sardinia resident and council member, Bill North, was sworn in as mayor. North has announced his candidacy for mayor and qualified for the November ballot for a four-year term starting January 2024. He will serve as the mayor until that time based on his appointment to the seat.