Rankin Hill Road in Ripley has been in need of extensive repairs for many years, the only road leading to one of Brown County’s top tourist attractions, the historic home of abolitionist John Rankin.

Rankin Hill Road in Ripley has been in need of extensive repairs for many years, the only road leading to one of Brown County’s top tourist attractions, the historic home of abolitionist John Rankin.

Rankin Hill Road in Ripley has been in need of extensive repairs for many years, the only road leading to one of Brown County’s top tourist attractions, the historic home of abolitionist Rev. John Rankin.

The John Rankin House is a National Historic Landmark overlooking the Ohio River. Built in 1825, the Rankin House was home to abolitionist and Presbyterian minister John Rankin, his wife Jean, and their 13 children. It’s estimated that over 2,000 slaves seeking freedom stayed with the Rankins on the Underground Railroad. The Rankin House is now a museum that gives guided tours. Also located on the property is a visitor’s center.

The inability for tour buses and school buses to safely travel up and down Rankin Hill Road has limited tourism at the John Rankin House, an estimated loss of $100k annually, according to John Rankin House docent Howard McClain.

“It’s a major impact,” said McClain.

Repairs to Rankin Hill Road would bring in additional funds from gift shop sales at the Rankin House Visitor’s Center and through the cost of admission to the John Rankin House, as well as increase tourism in the small village of Ripley, according to village officials.

The engineer’s estimate to repair Rankin Hill Road to the point where large buses can safely travel to and from the Rankin House came in at more than $370k, more than the Village of Ripley can afford for the road repairs.

In the village’s search for grant funds to repair Rankin Hill Road, Ripley Village Administrator Wayne Gates said the Brown County Board of Commissioners has agreed to fund half of the project using ARPA funds. That was prior to Gates recently being notified that the village will be receiving grant funds from the Ohio Department of Development that will cover the majority of the project.

According to Gates, the Ohio Department of Development grant will total around $258,806, 75% of the eligible road work costs.

According to Gates, the remaining cost of the project will be covered by Brown County ARPA funds.

Gates said the grant funds from the Ohio Department of Development would not be available until June of this year, hoping to get the repairs underway sometime this summer.

Rankin Hill Road is around 2,800 feet in length and currently 15 feet wide. The road will be widened to 18 feet, the base area fixed, and culverts added for drainage. A time as to when the road repairs may be complete is currently unknown.

“First off, the village would like to thank the Ohio Department of Development for the timely grant to improve access to one of the premier tourist attractions in Ripley,” said Gates.

Gates said the Village of Ripley would also like to thank the Brown County Board of Commissioners (Barry Woodruff), the Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission, and John Carey (director of the Governor’s Office of Appalachia) for their assistance and support.

“Once the work is complete, we look forward to a ribbon cutting ceremony, and anyone who has visited the Rankin House is welcome to drive up the new Rankin Hill Road and enjoy one of the best views in Brown County,” said Gates.