By Martha B. Jacob – 

On Friday, April 27, the Rick Eagan Memorial Quarter Raffle will be held at the Ripley Life Squad building.
Mr. Eagan passed away suddenly on May 8, 2012. In 2009 he was severely injured when he was hit by a car. His recovery from the accident was very slow and hard. He underwent numerous surgeries and had many setbacks.
“This year marks six years since my father died,” said his daughter Tiffany Regenstein. “Dad was a Brown County Commissioner at the time of his death and he was dedicated to this county and his community.
“Our family is doing its best to remember all the wonderful things there were about my father. For that reason we have set up the Rick Eagan Memorial Scholarship, which is given out to a Ripley High School graduating senior to help further the students education.”
Regenstein said the scholarships have been already helped out 10 Ripley graduates. The upcoming Memorial Quarter Raffle, April 27 will help sponsor yet another Ripley graduate.
“My dad was a great man,” Regenstein said. “Education and community was very important to him and we would like to continue being able to offer these scholarships as long as we can. The Quarter Raffle is our way of raising the money to sponsor the scholarships.
“Doors for the Memorial Quarter Riffle will open at 6 p.m. and begin around 6:30 p.m. The cost of paddles is only $1 each or 6 for $5. Please make plans today to join us in the fun.”
For more information on this event please contact Regenstein at